Using the Group Development Model in Business Team Development

Team Development: Jacob Chan
business, chairs, contemporary
Image: 13FEB2016

Lately in class we have been learning about collaboration and working in groups. Tuckman’s Stages of Group Development was developed in 1965 by a researcher and education psychologist named Bruce Tuckman. These Five Stages in theory, would prove to be ideal in many social situations where the creation of teams and groups. These groups were predominantly implemented in businesses and professional fields from coast to coast with very interesting results. Since then, Tuckman’s Model has been utilized and taught at the collegiate and professional level.

Judith Stein was an American historian as well as an accomplished professor of history at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. In an article she wrote for MIT, she delved into the Stages of Team Development and how to implement the model in business teams. Her main focus was in differentiating a group from a functioning team.

The stages are listed and defined as such:

  1. Forming: The initial stage in team development where the behaviors and feelings of each member are observed in order to identify strengths and weaknesses.
  2. Storming: The team is then called to refocus their efforts to develop both task-related skills and manage any conflict.
  3. Norming: This is where team members make a conscious effort to resolve problems and set standards in productivity and collective work.
  4. Performing: Team members feel satisfaction in their progress. This is where team members are likely to feel attachment to the group as well as confidence in the abilities of their group members.
  5. Termination/Ending/Adjourning: This stage covers most of a team's reasonings for dissolution either due to uncertainty or anxiety. Does not always have to be a sad or bad event, some can have a closing ceremony once a goal has been met or accomplished.

The end state of the Stages of Development model is to ensure that the team is functioning as efficiently as possible.Teams go through different stages in development as there are many variables to consider such as the different individual members, the goals, and how they will all work together to accomplish them. This is where the feelings, behaviors, and team tasks come into play when formulating a plan to accomplish and meet objective goals.

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  1. Interesting blog post you posted about the background of the five stages of group dynamics. This is very interesting that you can use the theories to predict certain social situations. This goes nicely with the project that our class is going to do since we’re examining the five stages of group dynamics. While reading some of your article it appears nicely with your blog posts, in class and then the reading that you provided we converted the groups behavior using the theories.

    1. Hey Jake!
      Really nice blog post this week bud. I really enjoyed reading about how you covered the five stages and how you will be using them for your group project. My group is taking a similar approach to the project and I enjoyed your insight. Your blogs are always very good and this one is the same. I really look forward to reading the rest of your posts this semester. Good luck with your blog pal!



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